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Case Studies

Building culture around Whole Brain® Thinking

With clearly stated objectives of creating a company culture that supports communities and creates a fulfilling workplace for employees through understanding and supporting diversity, Bendigo Bank was able to achieve tangible and intangible results based largely on the adoption of Whole Brain® Thinking practices at every level within the organisation.

Telecom NZ

Turning Contact Centres into Customer Loyalty generators

Telecom New Zealand was looking for a way to reduce the volume of subsequent calls and at the same time raise customer loyalty and satisfaction. They rolled out the Whole Brain® program to its frontline customer service team as a foundation for creating service differentiation.


Whole Brain® solution develops the next generation of IBM leaders

IBM was looking to update its highly benchmarked and successful leadership development program and was adamant not to sacrifice quality for efficiency. As increased individual responsibility and new leadership competencies are a necessity in their current business environment, IBM needed to be able to rely on a globally integrated team to get the best business results. Part of that process involved evaluating and improving leadership development offerings that were leading edge in programming, ideas and efficiencies.

A Whole Brain® process yields mergers and acquisitions (M&A) success

It is common practice to try to increase efficiency by adding people to a task. That was appropriate when the task required more muscle; it is not appropriate when the task needs more mind. The issue is, “When you have added the extra people, but you still aren’t getting the results you expected, or needed, what do you do to increase the  productivity/efficiency of a group?” With an understanding of the Whole Brain® Model, and the method Herrmann used to assess thinking preferences, our six-year experiment achieved amazing results in improving productivity.


Product development for a Whole Brained world

What if you could expand a product's appeal beyond its narrow but very devoted fan base? It's a question many companies ask themselves, particularly as innovation becomes key to business growth, competitiveness and success.

Discover organisations like yours who have found success with Whole Brain® Thinking

Click the logos below to find out more.

Countdown NZ
Australian Pharmaceutical Industries
UnitingCare QLD
Suntory Oceania
Announcer Group
Cirque du Soleil
Canberra Raiders
CLP India
Swinburne University of Technology
Air New Zealand


Webinar - Curious about Culture


Curious about Culture? Curiosity and cultural intelligence can improve how we live and work together

Webinar - In the Moment Coaching


In the Moment Coaching with HBDI® – quick and effective strategies for leaders to inspire, connect and excel

Webinar - Virtual Meetings


Can you hear me? More productive virtual meetings using Whole Brain® Thinking

Webinar - HBDI in Sport


HBDI® in Sport – taking a Whole Brain® approach on and off the field

eBooks and Toolkits

Meetings that Work Toolkit


Meetings that Actually Work: Your toolkit for ending meeting misery for good!

Toolkit - WB Stress Management


Stress Management Toolkit: Stress got you off course? This toolkit is what you need to stay the captain of your own ship

eBook - WB Remote Work


Going Remote: A Whole Brain® Guide for Remote Management & Distributed Productivity

How to Guide - Different Thinkers

How-to Guide

Communicating with Different Thinkers

Inclusive Leadership Playbook


Diversity of Thought: A Pathway to Inclusive Leadership


Whitepaper - HBDI & Other Assessments


HBDI® and Other Assessments

Whitepaper - HBDI Validity


Validity and Reliability of the HBDI®

Whitepaper - Introduction to the HBDI® and the Whole Brain® Model


Introduction to the HBDI® and the Whole Brain® Model

White Paper - Diversity Of Thought


Diversity of Thought: A results-based approach to inclusion

White Paper - Effective Learning


How to apply learning styles and a Whole Brain® approach to create effective learning

White Paper - Fortune 500


What do 93% of the top 100 Fortune 500 listed companies know that the other 7% don’t?

Whitepaper - Improving Group Productivity


Improving Group Productivity

Whitepaper - Changing Minds


Changing Minds

Whitepaper - Tap into the Brains


Tap into the brains behind your organisation’s success

White Paper - Are Teams Broken


Are teams broken or just not using their heads?

White Paper - Close the Leadership Gap


Close the Leadership Gap: Accelerate High-Potential (Hi-Po) Development with a Whole Brain® Approach

White Paper - How To Get More ROI


How to get more ROI™: Return on Intelligence

Whitepaper - Thinking Agility


Thinking Agility is the success strategy for an increasingly unpredictable world

White Paper - How Will You Adapt


How will you adapt? Learn how to harness cognitive diversity to adapt to uncertainty, develop agile leaders, and create resilient organisations

Whitepaper - Combatting Gender Bias


Combatting gender bias: breaking bias and harnessing cognitive diversity using the HBDI® and Whole Brain® Thinking

Whitepaper - Training with the Brain in Mind


Training with the Brain in Mind: The application of Brain Dominance Technology to teaching and learning

Whitepaper - Sales Leadership


The mind of successful sales leadership: how to use better thinking to get better results from sales people and processes

Whitepaper - Sales Performance


Achieving higher levels of sales performance in a demanding world

Check out the latest articles on our Blog

Comparing Employee Assessments: HBDI® and LSI™

Comparing Employee Assessments: HBDI® and LSI™

In this blog series, we take a look at the similarities and differences of many employee assessment instruments and how you might use them – individually and together – to achieve your business and talent development needs. For this post, we discuss the LSI™ (Life...

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