How To Show Appreciation at Work: The 5 Languages of Appreciation 

Feeling seen, heard, and appreciated differs from person to person. Just as people have unique thinking preferences, they also have unique ways in which they like to be appreciated for a job well done. The nuance of understanding how an individual feels valued in the...

Neurodiversity, Cognitive Diversity and where the HBDI® fits

We are often asked how the HBDI and Whole Brain® Thinking relate to neurodiverse groups. To answer this question, we need to distinguish the difference between neurodiversity, neurodivergence, neuro-types and cognitive diversity. What is Neurodiversity? Neurodiversity...

It’s About How You Think, Not What You Think: This Employee Assessment Takes You Outside the Box

Want to know what your personality is? Or find out your 'inner truth'? How about which Game of Thrones character you are? You could be a Cersei. Or maybe you’re a Jon. Take the latest BuzzFeed quiz to find out. There are plenty of employee assessments and online...
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