How to make team meetings more productive 

Tired of unproductive and lacklustre team meetings? We've all been there, stuck in meetings that seem to go nowhere and achieve nothing. In this blog post, we'll help you break free from the cycle of unengaging meetings. We'll explore the importance of team meetings,...

The Role of Lateral Thinking in Whole Brain® Thinking

Whole Brain® Thinking, based on the premise of valuing diverse thinking styles, plays a vital role in effective decision-making. It recognises the unique strengths of analytical, practical, relational and experimental thinking. As for the meaning of lateral thinking,...

7 Ideas for your next team building day

There's a reason why the saying " teamwork makes the dream work" is so popular - it's because it's true! When team members are able to get along and work together well, it can make a big difference in how successful the team is as a whole. Working together towards a...

Career planning: Is it worth it?

Career planning is the process of choosing or changing a career. It can be an ongoing process that you revisit throughout your life, or it can be a one-time event, such as when you are choosing a tertiary education path.  There are many factors to consider when...
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How does mindfulness unlock thinking agility?

How does mindfulness unlock thinking agility?

Mindfulness: The basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we're doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what's going on around us. Thinking agility: The capacity to consciously shift your thinking when the situation requires....

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