How To Become an Adaptive Thinker and Thrive Through Change

Imagine this: you've spent months crafting a whole new marketing strategy, complete with data-driven projections and targeted customer personas. Suddenly, a global pandemic hits, disrupting supply chains and turning consumer behaviour on its head. Your carefully laid...

How to Unlock Success with Short-term Career Goals & Thinking Styles 

 While walking the intricate path of career development, a short-term career goal can act much like a compass – guiding you to your ultimate destination. Providing light, these small moments of achievement bolster motivation and momentum. Another positive aspect...

Best Team Building Activities to Improve Employee Communication

Ever wondered what sets a high-performing team apart from the rest? Imagine you could transform a group of individuals into a powerhouse team, achieving extraordinary results through amplified collaboration.  Now, picture enhancing this power through effective...

Unlocking Learning Agility: Navigating Flexibility, Speed, and Creative Problem Solving 

One of the best commodities in a workplace is the ability to adapt one’s thinking. Today’s complex business environments require equally dynamic and flexible thinking; learning agility. The ability to be agile – whether in tackling an existing problem – or having the...
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Innovation + Acceleration = Value Creation

Innovation + Acceleration = Value Creation

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Adrian Jobson, director of Acculture, for just over three years. With a Master of Business, Organisational Change and Consulting, Adrian is a business owner, somatic coach and innovator with an intense curiosity about creating...

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Learning from Failure using Whole Brain® Thinking

Learning from Failure using Whole Brain® Thinking

History has shown us repeatedly that great losses can also be great lessons. Never has this been more evident than the lessons learned from two of NASA's most significant and tragic failures - the Hubble Space Telescope Mirror Flaw and the Space Shuttle Columbia...

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